Both Elmo and Rietschle can look back on an impressive string of successes that have marked industry milestones for more than one hundred years
As early as 1903 Elmo was granted the Imperial Patent for the world's first liquid ring vacuum pump, just three years later a smaller Elmo vacuum pump was used in Germany's first vacuum cleaner. Elmo was then, and actually until 2002, a brand of Siemens. The first side channel blower was introduced in 1963 and revolutionized the vacuum and pressure market. The emphasis on designing and building the highest quality machines and providing engineering support of outstanding professionalism has been the trademark of Elmo. After the turn of the millenium and its spin-off from Siemens, Elmo merged with Nash Industries, a former US competitor, to form Nash-Elmo.

Driven by the ingenious Werner Rietschle, who started his own company after World War II, Rietschle soon became a well-known supplier of fine vacuum pumps and compressors, earning itself the reputation of being highly customer focussed, flexible and innovative. In 2002 the company was acquired by Thomas Industries to become Rietschle Thomas. By then it had built an impressive network of production facilities and sales offices worldwide. Special emphasis was put on providing after sales service and support for thousands of customers who use the many different product types Rietschle builds.

Gardner Denver bought both companies in 2005/2006 to form the Elmo Rietschle brand.
- 1903: First Elmo liquid ring vacuum pump and first vacuum cleaner using an Elmo pump.
- 1950: Werner Rietschle founds Werie; launch of oil-lubricated rotary vane.
- 1960: Launch of the dry-running rotary vane by Rietschle and the light metal foundry.
- 1960: First side channel blower by Elmo; Rietschle starts its system solution business.
- 1998: Rietschle claw pumps and compressors are launched.
- 2000: Elmo spins off from Siemens as elmo vacuum technology.
- 2002: Elmo merges with Nash to form Nash-Elmo.
- 2002: Rietschle is acquired by Thomas Industries to form Rietschle Thomas.
- 2005-2006: Gardner Denver acquires Nash Elmo and Rietschle Thomas.