Today, digital computers and other microprocessor-based devices have replaced analog recording and display technologies in all but the simplest data acquisition applications. And while computers have had an undeniably positive impact on the practice of data acquisition, they speak only a binary language of ones and zeroes.

Manufacturing processes and natural phenomena, however, are still by their very nature analog. That is, natural processes tend to vary smoothly over time, not discontinuously changing states from black to white, from on to off.
Transaction Volume Series
To be meaningfully recorded or manipulated by a computer then, analog measurements such as pressure, temperature, flow rate, and position must be translated into digital representations. Inherently digital events, too, such as the tripping of a motor or a pulse generated by a positive displacement flowmeter, must be made interpretable as a transistor-to-transistor logic (TTL) level changes in voltage. Hence, the origination and ongoing development of input/output (I/O) systems for converting analog and digital information about real-world processes and events into the language of computers.
Resolution & Aliasing
Most sensors for measuring temperature, pressure, and other continuous variables provide a continuously varying electrical output to represent the magnitude of the variable in question. To make this signal interpretable by a microprocessor, it must be converted from a smooth continuous value to a discrete, digital number.
This analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion process poses two primary challenges: one of quantization and one of sampling in time. Quantization refers to the uncertainty introduced upon conversion of an analog voltage to a digital number. Measurement transducers or transmitters typically provide continuously varying signals between 0-10 V DC, ±5 V DC, 0-100 mV DC, or 4-20 mA DC. Thermocouples and resistance temperature devices (RTDs) are other common low voltage inputs.
A/D Conversion
Continuous electrical signals are converted to the digital language of computers using analog-to-digital (A/D) converters. An A/D converter may be housed on a PC board with associated circuitry or in a variety of remote or networked configurations. In addition to the converter itself, sample-and-hold circuits, an amplifier, a multiplexer, timing and synchronization circuits, and signal conditioning elements also may be on board. The logic circuits necessary to control the transfer of data to computer memory or to an internal register also are needed.

When determining what type of A/D converter should be used in a given application, performance should be closely matched to the requirements of the analog input transducer(s) in question. Accuracy, signal frequency content, maximum signal level, and dynamic range all should be considered.